Origin of SEEPP

STEM Education To Employment Program is for students to gain STEM skills and connect with industry partners for internships and apprenticeships.


Our friendly staff is dedicated to providing excellent service with a smile. We're here to help you every step of the way through your STEM education.

SA Connection

SEEPP has a strong connection to STEMTAC Academy, providing K-12 students quality STEM education and industry experience.


Dr. Greer and Al Heron had been colleagues for years, both passionate about the power of STEM education to transform lives. They had seen firsthand how access to quality STEM education could open doors and change the trajectory of a person's life. However, they also knew that too often, students from underserved communities lacked access to these opportunities.

One day, while discussing their shared frustration with the current state of STEM education, they had an idea. What if they could develop a program that not only provided quality STEM education to students from all backgrounds but also helped them secure employment in STEM fields once they graduated?

Excited by the possibilities, they got to work. Drawing on their years of experience in education and industry, they developed a comprehensive program that would take students from K-12 through a STEM education curriculum designed to equip them with the skills and knowledge they needed to succeed in STEM fields.

They called it the STEM Education To Employment Program (EEPP). The program would not only provide students with rigorous academic training in STEM subjects but also offer real-world experience through internships and apprenticeships with industry partners.

Dr. Greer and Al Heron poured their hearts and souls into the program, working long hours to ensure that every detail was perfect. They knew that the success of the program would depend on its ability to bridge the gap between education and industry, connecting students with the jobs and opportunities they needed to thrive.

Finally, after months of hard work, the program was ready. Dr. Greer and Al Heron launched the STEM Education To Employment Program with great fanfare, excited to see the impact it would have on the lives of their students.

And the impact was enormous. Students who had once thought that STEM fields were out of reach suddenly found themselves with the skills and knowledge they needed to succeed. They landed internships and apprenticeships with top companies, and many went on to pursue careers in STEM fields.

The STEM Education To Employment Program became a model for other programs around the country, and Dr. Greer and Al Heron were hailed as visionary leaders in STEM education. But to them, the most important thing was the impact they had on the lives of their students. They knew that they had created something truly special, something that would change the lives of generations to come.



Al Herron is the founder of Stemtac Academy and its programs, combining his expertise as a Particle Physicist, Electrical Engineer, and Entrepreneur. Currently pursuing a PhD in Business Management with a specialization in Strategy & Innovation, he bridges the realms of technology, business development, and community service. Al actively serves on multiple boards and committees focused on equity in education, including the Equity in Education Committee, the Lake Washington School District Equity Team, Treehouse of Seattle's Programs Committee, and the Black Education Strategies Roundtable.

Nate Miles is a co-founder in SEEPP, also serving as Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at Eli Lilly and Company. With a proven track record in driving innovative strategic initiatives, Nate generates support from diverse allies such as grassroots organizations, faith-based organizations, communities of color, labor organizations, and non-governmental organizations. He is recognized for forging 21st-century partnerships to advance healthcare innovation and global business development, while his extensive experience in government affairs and community outreach further enriches his leadership role.

Eric Atkinson is a teacher in SEEPP, specializing in strategy, design, and research. With over 20 years of experience across various sectors, including consumer electronics, healthcare, and government, Eric excels in originating innovative solutions and driving business and customer goals. His leadership skills, inclusive team-building approach, and international experience make him a valuable partner, director, advisor, and mentor in the field.

Natalie Baeta is a facilitator in SEEPP, serving as Stemtac Academy's solution-oriented Operations Manager. As a skilled communicator and advocate for Multiple Sclerosis, Natalie excels in translating visions into actionable results while treating people with courtesy and respect. She is dedicated to empowering students to achieve their goals and actively contributes to the community by working with youth and promoting awareness of STEM Education.

Julianne Diangco is a facilitator in SEEPP and NYLAB, bringing her expertise as an Admin Support Specialist and Fund Development Support Specialist to Stemtac Academy. With a background as a senior high school instructor, Julianne's teaching experience encompasses various subjects such as General Math, Practical Research, and Personal Development. Her detail-oriented approach, continuous learning mindset, and passion for food and travel contribute to her commitment to delivering exceptional service to her clients.

Sharbani (Bani) is a teacher and facilitator in SEEPP and NYLAB, serving as Stemtac Academy's Project/Program Manager. With a strong background in quality assurance and compliance-related documentation, Bani brings seven years of experience in ensuring successful project delivery. Her exceptional skills in team collaboration, leadership, time management, and process efficiency contribute to the seamless execution of projects and programs at Stemtac Academy.

Nicolas Reese (Nic) is a teacher and facilitator in SEEPP, Engageable Designs, and NYLAB, serving as Stemtac Academy's Marketing Director and Program Support Specialist. With a background in student services, including tutoring, dorm management, and academic resources, Nic brings strong leadership skills and a collaborative vision to the organization. Leveraging self-taught marketing expertise, Nic effectively oversees Stemtac Academy's social media, communication, and digital presence, contributing to the organization's success.

Dennis Day II, is a teacher and facilitator in SEEPP, serving as Stemtac Academy's Director of Technology and Information Systems. With over fifteen years of expertise in interactive marketing, web design, web application development, graphics, and information technology, Dennis has built a strong professional network across industries ranging from the private sector to government. His diverse portfolio showcases his proficiency in leveraging technology for impactful solutions.

Tiana Orta is a dedicated teacher and facilitator in SEEPP, bringing her strong work ethic and exceptional communication skills to the team. As the Administrative Manager and Fund Development Specialist at Stemtac Academy, Tiana's attention to detail and grant writing expertise have expanded the organization's impact, reaching more individuals and families in need. Alongside her professional endeavors, Tiana takes great pride in raising her son and actively contributes to her community through volunteering with local organizations and events.

Zeina Abouammo is a dedicated teacher and facilitator in SEEPP and Engageable Designs. With extensive experience in Math and STEM instruction, she is passionate about empowering students to succeed academically. Zeina's patient and tailored approach to teaching, along with her expertise in Soft Skills, allows her to effectively engage students of all ages and backgrounds. Her commitment to equitable education drives her mission to make Math and STEM accessible to every student, ensuring they reach their academic aspirations.

STEMTAC Academy is an educational institution founded by Al Heron, dedicated to providing quality STEM education to students of all backgrounds. They offer comprehensive programs that prepare students for careers in STEM fields, emphasizing hands-on experience and real-world application. STEMTAC Academy is committed to closing the opportunity gap in STEM education and ensuring that all students have access to the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.



To prepare students for the 21st-century workforce, we need seamless education systems that support college and career readiness from day one. This requires coordination between education and workforce sectors. The EEPP improves alignment of standards and assessments, develops longitudinal data systems, and connects education to jobs through career pathways and sector partnerships.


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